「甚麼東西都可能引起過敏:花、草、貓、狗、塵埃 ……,很多妳想不到的。」




有次去看醫生,提起這情形,他說改用鼻噴劑好了。我說鼻噴劑也試過,沒用。他說這處方的噴劑 Rhinocort Aqua 效果比較好,試試果然不錯,就連續用了兩三個春天。可是慢慢發現鼻黏膜似乎受到影響,鼻子乾燥得受不了。又換了另一種噴劑 Astelin。





過幾星期耳朵又有點不舒服,想拿這藥來噴一噴。還好先看了說明,是 Patanase - Nasal Spray,噴鼻子的藥!過兩天小兒子回來,聽到這事大笑,問我:「妳沒真的拿來噴耳朵吧?」


這兩年就近在同一棟辦公樓裡找了一位老醫生看病,他開了另一種噴劑 Fluticasone Propionate,並說他自己也是用這一種。可是過敏嚴重時,哪一種噴劑都止不住。上星期去藥房,我又加買了廣告上常見的 Zyrtec。同時為了紓緩眼睛的紅癢,聽藥劑師建議買了Visine 眼藥水。

鼻噴劑和 Zyrtec 都是一天服(噴)一次的,在過敏嚴重時,我錯開三種不同的藥,但是不到半天就用了另一種,已經到病急亂投醫的地步了。




Dr. Kenneth Lien is Chief of Allergy at Kaiser Permanente in Hayward. Here's what he had to say. (Questions and answers have been condensed and edited for clarity.)


Patch: People often use the term “hay fever” or just “allergies” for the kind of seasonal allergies a lot of people get in the spring. What's the correct term and what are the symptoms?


KL: Allergic rhinitis is the correct term. It means an allergic inflammation of the nose. People use hay fever because a lot of people suffer from allergies during grass season.

The symptoms often times mimic colds: nasal congestion, runny nose, post-nasal drip, coughing, sore throat, fatigue, swollen, red eyes.

When you have allergies, it's more than just the nose that's involved, it's kind of like a whole body reaction.


Patch: Is it a false reaction? Because pollen doesn't really harm us, right?


KL: Basically it's an immune response. A person will make antibodies to things he or she is exposed to. Pollen behaves like a foreign body, and when it gets into the nasal mucosa or conjunctive area of the eye, your body has cells there that are basically trying to fight off this foreign invasion of pollen.


Patch: Why do some people develop allergies while others don't? And why do some people seem to develop allergies all of a sudden?


KL: Basically, a lot of it is hereditary. You inherit the genetic profile to develop allergies; you inherit a mutation in the chromosome. And if exposed to pollen, you become sensitized; you develop antibodies and have an allergic reaction, usually locally.


It usually takes a few years before allergies start to blossom (in a person).


There are many theories on why allergies have gotten worse over the last few decades. There's the hygiene hypothesis, which is the idea that our environments have gotten so sterile that the body's immune system is no longer used to fight off bacteria; for example, from the soil. So now the body switches to fighting off pollen.


Another theory is that pollution is actually a factor in driving allergies. Diesel particles have been found in the lab to stimulate your body to produce antibodies, regardless of the pollen count in those areas.


A lot of people from India and other places where the air pollution is worse come here and say, "Why are my allergies worse here?"


In polluted areas, your body makes antibodies. And when your body is later exposed to pollens, those antibodies start reacting to the pollens. I think that has more credibility than the hygiene hypothesis.


Patch: What is producing the most allergy-provoking pollen this spring in the Bay area?


KL: Mostly trees: oak, juniper, cypress, mulberry. The strong rain we've had has pushed back allergy season. It seems like it will be a very bad year because of the rain and wind.

In the Bay Area, not only tree season, but grass season, is bad. That peaks in early May and generally lasts until early July. Fourth of July weekend is usually the unofficial end of allergy season.



Patch: Flowers don't cause allergies?


KL: Flowers are usually not a problem because they are insect-pollinated. So their pollen tends to be sticky and viscous. It doesn't travel on the wind and get into your nose.

A lot of people think flowers bother them, but it's probably the fragrance, not the pollen, that can cause a reaction in nose.


Patch: How widespread is the reach of allergy-provoking pollen? Can people living in neighboring towns have different levels of allergic reactions?


KL: The pollen count changes in different neighborhoods depending on the dominance of trees. But the wind can also carry pollen from 50 miles up to 150 miles away.

花粉數量因樹種而不同,風可以把花粉吹送到 50至150英里遠的地方(80~240公里)。

Patch: What's the best source for finding out what kind of pollen is in the air on a given day?

You can look up the pollen counts from those stations on the website of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology: http://pollen.aaaai.org/nab/.

You can also punch in your zip code on pollen.com and get a four-day allergy forecast.

妳可以從美國過敏、哮喘和免疫學院的網站(http://pollen.aaaai.org/nab/)查詢花粉量,也可以用pollen.com 打入由地區號就可以查詢。

Patch: How can I find out what exactly I'm allergic to?


KL: You can have a skin test done. It's the most sensitive test to find out what you're allergic to. We actually scratch the skin with the protein extracts of different things we're testing for, and if it makes a little bit of swelling, that's how we know.


Patch: What treatments do you recommend to your patients? And are there any negative effects of using the standard pharmaceutical allergy treatments long term?


KL: The mainstay for treatment is a nasal steroid spray. They are prescription only, not yet available over the counter. They're mainly used to reduce inflammation in the nose. The safety profile is excellent for nasal steroids. They have been found to be safe with long-term use.


The second thing is antihistamines. Many of them are over the counter now. If your symptoms are just mild and generalized, an antihistamine by mouth would be a great first-line agent.


If your nose if completely blocked, a nasal steroid is better.


You can also get allergy shots. It's a way of fooling your immune system or actually building tolerance to an allergen. We give weekly injections of higher and higher doses of protein extracts of pollens or whatever you're allergic to.


Patch: For how long do you have to get the shots?


KL: Weekly during the build-up phase, which lasts six to nine months. Then a monthly shot for three to five years. The shots can help you for up to 10 years after that.

There's also an oral equivalent of an allergy shot that's being studied right now. The results look promising.


Patch: What about non-pharmaceutical treatments?


KL: You can use a sinus rinse. A good homemade recipe is 8 ounces of warm water, ¼ teaspoon of sea salt or kosher salt and a pinch of baking soda. The neti pot (a small pot with a spout used to flush out the nasal passages) is popular.  It's very safe to use two to three times a day.

你可以洗鼻子。把 8盎斯溫水,1/4茶匙海鹽,一小撮蘇打粉混合。用一種小壺來洗鼻子。一天洗兩三次都可以。

Patch: What other practical tips can you give for reducing exposure to pollen?


KL: Windows should stay closed throughout allergy season. If you're allergic to trees blooming in the spring, you should keep windows closed starting in March. If you're allergic to grass and weeds, keep them closed in summer and fall.

If you need to open them, do it late in the afternoon because the pollen count is usually down then. Also, try to re-circulate the air in your car (as opposed to pulling in outside air). 



Breaking News

Osama bin Laden Is DEAD

May 1, 2011

WASHINGTON — Osama bin Laden has been killed, a United States official said. President Obama was expected to make an announcement on Sunday night, almost ten years after the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.